Forest Management, Maintenance and Operational Support

Ongoing support for your woodland

Forest Management

The Forest Direct team can provide the full range of professional forest management services to woodland owners of all scales and work with them to develop a comprehensive forest management plan.

Our management plans are based on initial forest surveys, detailing your woodland crop inventory and comprehensive digital woodland mapping. Our management plans are all compliant with grant scheme requirements, public consultation requirements and will include production forecasts and a five-year forest budget.

We will also take in to account the following in the creation of successful woodland management:

  • Biodiversity
  • Species conservation
  • Deer management
  • Public access to woodlands for recreation

Woodland Operational Support

In addition to developing your forest management strategy, we can also provide ongoing operational support, covering areas such as:

  • Access improvements: planning and organisation of road upgrades and new roads; engaging and supervising the grounds work contractors and assessing funding opportunities.
  • Restocking
  • New Woodland Creation
  • Ground Preparation
  • Fencing
  • Arranging ecological and soil surveys,
  • Badger Disturbance licences as required.

With vast experience working with forestry industry regulators and statutory bodies, we can manage stakeholder relationships with Scottish Forestry, regional councils and The Scottish Government Rural Payments Division (SGRPID) on your behalf.

Forest Maintenance

We will monitor young plantations and organise any remedial work including:

  • Beating up and shelter maintenance
  • Vegetation and tree clearance and management
  • Woodland diversification
  • Pruning/tree surgery
  • Application of herbicides and pesticides
  • Drainage and water management
  • Fertilising
  • Rhododendron and other Invasive Non-Native Species Control
  • Fence surveys and maintenance