Woodland Creation
Supporting your planting journeyThe benefits of new woodland creation are far-reaching and can complement all aspects of your land use strategy. Forest Direct has the expertise to help guide you through the woodland planting journey. Whether you are looking to diversify into woodland creation, plant trees for wildlife, shelter, landscape enhancement or to offset your carbon emissions, we can help you meet your social, economic and environmental objectives.
Our skilled team can navigate the initial financial appraisal, woodland design, landscaping, planning consultations and the woodland creation grant application process on your behalf, ensuring we end up with the best plan for your landholding.
We can undertake the ground preparation and planting works, access strategy and, ongoing maintenance. In addition, we can design and assess your site for woodland carbon sequestration and register and validate your new woodland with the Woodland Carbon Code.
We design for a variety of sites, ranging from >500 ha diverse conifer and native broadleaf woodlands to smaller-scale productive broadleaves, long-term native habitat creation and small-scale farm woodlands including shelterbelts and riparian woodlands. To learn more about our woodland creation experience, look at our Forest Direct case studies.